Alpro is a brand of vegan products that offers vegan alternatives to milk, yoghurt or cream.
As part of the cooperation with the client, we planned and organized a press conference on the health benefits of soy in the women's diet based on the presentation of scientific data from the research of Dr. Lange from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. At the time of the conference, i.e. in the middle of the first decade of the 21st century, the presented data and the conclusions drawn from them constituted pioneering knowledge and postulates in the field of vegan and vegetarian diets in the Polish public debate.
The social dimension of the activities stemmed from the implementation of the strategy of promoting Alpro Soya, a soy drink ("milk"), which at that time was a product mostly unknown on the Polish market. The main task that had to be met was to build trust in the product line, but also in the very concept of using substitutes for traditional milk. We realized these objectives using the scientific discourse embedded in hard, reliable data, reinforced by the direct message coming from the mouth of a figure enjoying academic authority.
We proposed to introduce the public opinion to the subject of diets using plant ingredients in the most accessible way - emphasizing their objective health values, and thus arousing interest and creating a field for discussion and exchange of ideas about the importance of consuming non-animal products. Since then, Alpro has developed into a recognizable and valued brand for Polish customers, offering a whole line of beverages that are an alternative to animal milk.